The Accessible Radiation (AR) specifies the laser power that is emitted form a laser system directly at the unit. The...
Usually abbreviated as AOM
>>> Definition Acousto-optic Modulator see AOM >>>
>>> Definition Acousto-optic Modulator see AOM >>>
What is Analog Modulation?
In the show laser industry '...
A show laser generates animations by reproducing several individual images (frames) in sequence at a certain speed. Animations can be used for
... What is an Animation Laser?
The term "animation laser" denotes a show laser system which is able to
AOM is the abbreviation of "Acousto-optic Modulator". In the show laser industry this term defines a component which makes a static, non-modulating...
API ("Application Programming Interface") refers to an interface at source code level which allows two software applications or hardware systems
... "Audience scanning" means a volitional, momentary projection of visible laser light into the crowd of spectators. It is used for special effects...
The term "automatic mode" or "stand-alone mode" is a general term for various modes that allow lights and show lasers to output pre-programmed
...AVB (also named TSN for industrial purposes) stands for “Audio Video Bridging” and describes a standard for real time, lip synchronous digital
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