glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
If you find a mistake or if you have suggestions for additional terms, please drop an E-Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AVB (also named TSN for industrial purposes) stands for “Audio Video Bridging” and describes a standard for real time, lip synchronous digital transmission of audio, video and similar signals. AVB uses a network/Ethernet infrastructure to transmit time critical signals from a sender (talker) to dedicated receivers (listeners) . In contrast to TCP/IP or UDP connections, AVB uses reserved bandwidths for this critical signal transmission, which means that even if a multitude of devices get connected to the network, the connection between the sender and the receivers always stays stable. AVB uses special managed network switches that allow for this kind of bandwidth management, however setup and operation of an AVB network is super easy since the management intelligence is already built into the switches.

Especially when used in the laser context, data signals require a high level of stability. If it comes to high professional applications, the laser data signal often need to be transmitted over longer distances, package drops or glitches are not acceptable. This is where AVB has an advantage over classic network transmission protocols, but AVB and legacy TCP/IP live happily on the same network hardware.

But there is even more to the AVB standard: As AVB transmits data as an audio signal, it is also possible to simply record the laser show signal, edit it with normal audio editing software and play it back again. For laser shows this means it is possible to simply record parts or an entire show as an multi-channel audio file and play it back with using any audio software over AVB. This also applies for other signals sent over AVB, like for video or lighting control.

Creative people familiar with software packages, like Touch Designer, Ableton live or Max MSP, can easily create their own laser performance and stream it through AVB.

Laser systems that are compatible with AVB e.g. are: LaserAnimation Sollinger PHAENON accurate


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