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Within the Laserworld Group the business unit "Laserworld Academy" has the task of education and training as well as knowledge transfer. For this reason, workshops, trainings and seminars are provided in various countries for basic and advanced trainings in the field of lasers and laser shows.
The specific requirements or qualification criteria for laser operators are often very different depending on the country. Laserworld Academy offers special trainings in German language for laser safety officers, which have been designed especially, but not exclusively, for Germany and Switzerland.
The experts at Laserworld Academy not only offer trainings for laser show applications, but also for laser applications in the trade, industrial and technical sectors.

To meet the increasing demand for certified “Laserschutzbeauftragte” (Laser Safety Officer) according to the German laws OStrV and TROS, Laserworld Academy offers laser safety seminars with certification.

These seminars are also offered in English language as "Laser Safety Officer Seminar" (LSO) for industrial, commercial, technical and show laser applications and for all laser classes.
In Germany, a Laserschutzbeauftragter (Laser Safety Officer) is required for the operation of lasers >Laser Class 2.

Laser Safety Seminars according to OStrV and TROS (Germany):

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Sachkundebestätigung - Ausbildung nach V-NISSG

Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
700,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt

Online Laser Safety Officer training according to OStrV (Germany)

Language: en
Country: de
According to: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
549,00 EUR excl. 19.00% VAT

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar OStrV, TROS - Schwerpunkt Showlaser

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar OStrV, TROS - Schwerpunkt Showlaser

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online Laser Safety Officer training according to OStrV (Germany)

Language: en
Country: de
According to: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
549,00 EUR excl. 19.00% VAT

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar OStrV, TROS - Schwerpunkt Showlaser

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online Laser Safety Officer training according to OStrV (Germany)

Language: en
Country: de
According to: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
549,00 EUR excl. 19.00% VAT

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar OStrV, TROS - Schwerpunkt Showlaser

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar OStrV, TROS - Schwerpunkt Showlaser

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Online-Laserschutzseminar nach OStrV und TROS

Sprache: de
Land: de
Gemäss: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
349,00 EUR zzgl. 19.00% MwSt

Pre-registration: Laser Safety Officer online training OStrV (Germany)

PRE-REGISTRATION: English Online Laser Safety Officer training OStrV and TROS
Language: en
Country: de
According to: OStrV, TROS, DGUV11
550,00 EUR excl. 19.00% VAT


Laser Safety Competence according to V-NISSG (Switzerland):

Sachkundenachweis - Ausbildung nach V-NISSG

Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
2.950,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt

Vorabregistrierung: Sachkundenachweis - Lasershow

Vorabregistrierung: SACHKUNDENACHWEIS V-NISSG 4-tägige Ausbildung sowie 1 Prüfungstag
Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
2.950,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt

Pré-inscription: Formation Validation de Compétences

Pré-inscription: Formation Validation de Compétences 1 jour de formation et d'examen
Langue: fr
Pays: ch
Selon: O-LRNIS
875,00 CHF hors 8.10% TVA

Vorabregistrierung: Sachkundebestätigung - Lasershow

Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
700,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt


Software Trainings:

No corresponding events are currently planned.


Technical Trainings:

No corresponding events are currently planned.



No corresponding events are currently planned.

We will be happy to provide further information by phone: +49 7731-9398907
laser safety industrialLaser Safety for
Industrial Laser Systems
laser safety in tradeLaser Safety for
Trade Laser Systems
laser safety showLaser Safety for
Show Laser Systems


If you are looking for German Laserschutzbeauftragter trainings (German language) please find all scheduled dates on 

Please find trainings in English language on


Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
Contact us:
ch +41-71-6778080
en +44-161-8720272

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