Laserworld Diode Series

The Diode Series units come with diode-only laser sources ("Pure Diode") and thus have great beam specifications with beautiful analog color modulation. These units are suitable for semi-pro to professional applications.
Laserworld DS-1000RGB MK5
Laserworld DS-1000RGB MK5
Laserworld DS-2000RGB MK4
Laserworld DS-2000RGB MK4
Laserworld DS-3000RGB MK5
Laserworld DS-3000RGB MK5
Laserworld DS-3000RGB MK4
Laserworld DS-3000RGB MK4
Laserworld DS-3000RGB FB4 MK5
Laserworld DS-3000RGB FB4 MK5
The Diode Series can be controlled over ILDA and have the powerful built-in ShowNET mainboard that adds professional features like direct computer control over network, a free full-feature laser show software included in delivery and various control options like automatic, ILDA-streaming, master slave and ArtNet as well as DMX. The DMX features can be switched between basic and professional, where "professional" caters for all the requirements of professional DMX control. It is even possible to write configurations back to the mainboard via DMX!

Learn more about the mainboard and the opportunities: The ShowNET laser mainboard

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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