glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
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What is a show laser light?

"Show Laser Light" is another term to describe laser light systems for entertainment purposes. Show laser light systems distinguish theirselves in a very versatile usability: they may be used in- and outdoor, in small locations as clubs, bars, and discotheques as well as at large events as festivals, professional art and cruise ship shows, etc. In impressive multimedia shows show laser lights are usually combined with other media and effects: smoke, fog, video projections, water screens, pyrotechnics, etc. Of course show laser lights and music complement each other perfectly: the laser beams, animations, patterns and texts harmonize to the music and underline their mode. Show laser lights are able to create single as well as multi color effects.

Brief look inside a show laser light

Synonyms for show laser light

  • "Laser Display"
  • "Laser light"
  • "Show laser"
  • "Laser show" (meaning the laser projector unit here)
  • "Entertainment laser"
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Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent