New Year's Laser Show in Constance, Germany 2019-2020 | Laserworld

New Year's laser show in Constance, Germany. This video shows the 3rd show part on Marktstätte. The show was controlled with: Showcontroller These laser systems were used: 1 x RTI NANO RGB 30 2 x RTI PIKO RGB 20 2 x tarm 11 2 x tarm 2.5 ... and a lot of haze and fog machines #lasershow #constance #laser #fireworks #climate #nye #newyear Thank you to J&C Veranstaltungstechnik GbR, Johannes Feederle, Guido and the City Counsel of Constance

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Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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