The successful Purelight Series is now completely switched to a waterproof design. With a rating of IP54, the new Laserworld Purelight Series is out-of-the-box suitable for outdoor events, and they don’t mind if it’s raining or not. The power levels available range from 5W up to 50 W of laser power, and all units have great beam specifications and fast scanning, which makes them suitable for graphics projections, too.Purelight Series 2023 graph3 web400

The Purelight Series lasers are extremely versatile due to the standard built-in ShowNET laser mainboard: Various stand-alone operation modes and ILDA control are possible, and much more professional options are also available – as there is an API for the ShowNET mainboard, many different software tools can directly output to the laser. This is not limited to classic laser software, like Showeditor or Showcontroller, but also professional video and multimedia control software like MadLaser or Touchdesigner can directly output to the Laserworld Purelight Series lasers without the need of additional licensed or external software to run in between.

Lighting designers probably appreciate the professional DMX and ArtNet controllability the most: projection zone and safe zone can directly be configured from the lighting desk and stored back to the main board, just with the use of DMX/ArtNet, to allow for safe laser operation. Scaling laser setups is extremely easy with this, as no additional computers are required any more.

More details on the new IP54 waterproof Laserworld Purelight Series:

Purelight Series 2023 graph1 web1024


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Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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