Laserworld just released the latest version of the Laserworld Showeditor professional laser control software in Version 6. Several new features have been added, and many other improvements have been made.

Some of the new features are:

Live Window: 
  • Default Live Show: It is possible to define a default live show setup and it is also possible to load this default setup manually.
  • Master Speed: Fader for Master Speed has been added to allow for even better show control with external fade consoles (DMX/MIDI)
  • Master Intensity Fader: The Master Intensity Fader has been improved to allow for even better show control with external fade consoles (DMX/MIDI)- Color Shift Fader: The new color shift fader allows for smooth color changes during a live show. Due to it being on a fader, it also eases control with an external console.
Timeline Window:
  • Fade-in and Fade-out effects: One-click Fade-in and fade-out effects have been added as quick-access buttons for easier show programming
  • Mixed Color Power Limiter: "Maximal CYM-W Power", a power limiter for mixed colors of each output hardware, has been integrated on a test basis. See "Options" => "Color Correction"
    Explanation: Assuming that every single laser color of an RGB projector is already powerful enough to reach the MPE, the combination of two or more colors (e.g. yellow, cyan, purple, white) will exceed the MPE. Therefore the power of white is limited to the MPE and the power of the three single colors is limited to 33% of the MPE each. The power of the RGB sources is reduced, but the hue remains the same.
All license owners for Laserworld Showeditor 2015 can upgrade free of charge by just downloading the latest version and installing it: Download the latest version of Laserworld Showeditor 

Laserworld Showeditor V6 packaging front right interface noshade

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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