This tool helps in specifying the divergence of a laser system based the laser spot size of the laser projection, the distance of the laser aperture to the projection surface and the initial diameter of the laser beam at the laser aperture.

It is often difficult to determine the divergence of a laser system, especially if there is not much experience in doing this. This Divergence tool is a good helper in this case.
Remember to consider if the divergence shall be specified as full-angle divergence or half-angle divergence. Whereas the Laserworld Group usually specifies full-angle divergence values, some manufacturers rather give half-angle divergence values.

Please fill in all values, otherwise the Divergence cannot be calculated properly

Distance Laser Aperture -> Projection surface [m]:
Beam Diameter at Laser Aperture [mm]:
Laser spot diameter at the projection surface [mm]:

Decimal separator is: . (Point), not Comma

The Divergence of the laser system is:
0.00 mrad

This tool helps to determine the remaining laser power in a certain distance in regards of the divergence: Divergence Calculator - beam behaviour over distance

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