It's not that simple to identify the ideal scan speed of your scanning system. Most scan speeds are given according to the ILDA specifications, but they only apply to a scan angle of 8°. But most show lasers have a much wider scan angle, up to 60-80°. Unfortunately the scan speed doesn't decrease linear to the scan angle.
There are different approaches to identify the correct scan speed of your laser light - we recommend the following:

  1. Set the scan speed of your show laser with the Laserworld Showeditor to 50% (of the value specified in the laser display manual).
  2. Select either the test figure 11Ilda12K.bin or 12Ilda30K.bin and project it with your show laser onto a wall or a screen.
  3. The selected figure should be displayed very well. Listen to the sound of the scanning system and remember how it sounds.
  4. Increase the scan speed with the software in 1 kpps steps (1000 pps).
  5. At first the image and the scanner sound should more or less stay the same.
  6. Repeat step 4 until
  7. The projected image becomes distorted and the sound of the scanning system is much louder than before.
  8. At this point you are above the perfect scan speed, so reduce the speed by 1 kpps and you will get the optimal setting.

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Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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