You'll need a laser light with an SD card slot, of course. E.g. the new Laserworld Proline Series but other show lasers with SD card compatibility work as well.

General Information:
As the *.ild files are saved on the SD card, you'll need a SD card reader/writer of your choice for saving the files on the SD card.
The ILDA files can ony be read when they lie in folders. Therefore you must save them on existing folders or create new ones. The folder names must not be longer than eight characters. This applies to the ILDA files as well - additionally they must not contain any special characters.
In each folder there must be a special *.rpg file. This text file is obligatory as it sets the scan speed and repitition rate of the frames. To edit or create this file, you'll need a text editor like the Windows Editor or Notepad.

  1. Create the ILDA file.
  2. Save and export the ILDA file:
    Save the figure as *.ild file under the option "optimize figure" with a file name with at most eight characters. Save it into a folder and select standard Version 6 as ILDA standard.
  3. Edit the *.prg file:
    Without an edited *.prg file the ILDA files are not accessible to the laser. Either create a blank *.prg file with a text editor into the same folder as the figures or edit an existing one. The file structure must read like this - every ILDA file in another row:

    FILENAME.ILD, 20, 300
    FILENAM2.ILD, 30, 500
    FILENAM3.ILD, 25, 10

    The first entry is the ILDA file name (eight characters max). After a comma there is the scan rate in kpps (20 = 20 kpps). After another comma there is the frame repition rate that controls the duration of the frame.
  4. Using the ILDA files with your show laser:
    Insert the SD card in the card slot of your laser light and select SD card as operation mode. Then select the folder with the files you want to display.

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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