Lasergraph DSP Licensor

Lasergraph DSP Licensor main image
Lasergraph DSP Licensor Licence to add the edit function for a network with at least one Lasergraph DSP Mark 2: every Lasergraph DSP Playback inherits the edit function.
  • Master licensor for editing laser shows
  • License upgrade
Lasergraph DSP Licensor additional image 1

The Lasergraph DSP laser show control system, made by Laseranimation Sollinger, is especially designed for high professional show applications.
Lasergraph DSP systems are well established in show laser light industry. Due to the concept of decentralized show processing, the DSP systems are extremely prowerful, but do not require any special computer system for laser show progreamming - the Lasergraph DSP is the show computer!
The only software needed for programming on a DSP system is a small programm of onyl several kilobytes size, that connects to the DSP via standard TCP/IP LAN conncetion - the actual signal processing and all calculations are done by the Lasergraph DSP unit.

This decentralized processing makes the whole show infrastructure independent of external influences, as shows can be run even without having any computer connected to the DSP - and this can even be very complex shows with timecode handling and DMX in/out triggers.
In case of a power outage, the DSP comes on again together with the power, so the show can immedialtely continue at the point it was interrupted.

Besides this, the Lasergraph DSP is well known in the industry for it's great output quality, which is achieved by very powerful processors.

The Laseranimation Lasergraph DSP is a powerful show control system not only for creating spectacular, pre-programmed timeline shows, but it can also be used for controlling many kinds of additional media, like DMX fixtures, video content, special effects and water effects.
High professional live laser shows are also often controlled with Lasergraph DSP systems - especially as high end productions require fail safe and maximum reliable control systems, that are flexible in use and compatible to timecode handling (SMPTE) and remote DMX control. Major live laser shows are often controlled by several DSP systems, all connected through LAN and remotely triggered by DMX from a GrandMA or similar high pro controller.

Lasergraph DSP Licensor Licence

Together with a Lasergraph DSP compact and just one Licensor Licence in a network, every Lasergraph DSP compact Playback becomes a Lasergraph DSP compact with full edit function!

Until now you have needed three Lasergraph DSP compact systems for controlling three show laser systems with an individual laser show. Thanks to the Lasergraph DSP Licensor Licence you´ll now need just one Lasergraph DSP compact unit, one Lasergraph DSP Licensor Licence and two (in comparison to the DSP compact Mark 2 much cheaper) Lasergraph DSP compact Playback units.


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*Due to Advanced Optical Correction technology used in our laser systems the optical power of each colour within installed laser module(s) may slightly differ from the specification of respective laser module(s). Divergence FWHM average depending on model.


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