clubbing 04
It is the same for a concert as for a festival and stage show: the visual effect is extremely important - besides the acoustical effect, of course, it is important to provide visual stimulation, in order to create a lasting and  awesome impression for the spectators.

Let's exemplify: You play a concert on a large stage and your audience is a huge crowd. Despite that you want your audience to feel like being part of the whole show, even over long distances. This is where our laser shows will play their part. With a laser show beaming from the stage through the crowd, your audience will feel like standing right next to you or your band on the stage. This is also an alternative option for musical (see further information here: Multimedia Laser Show).

Laserworld and its partners have got many years' experience in the creation of laser or multimedia shows. A laser show can grade up every concert - whether electro, rock, pop or classic - when the rhythm of the music is synchronously underlined by the lasers' beams or graphics. Along with pyrotechnics, fire, haze and/or water screens you can create an even more enormous effect.

The transaction of your exceptional and impressive laser show will be done by our specialized employees. They will tailor your laser show according to your advices, and also control the transport, set up and dismounting of the laser equipment.

Please ask for further details:
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Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
Contact us:
ch +41-71-6778080
en +44-161-8720272

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