Laser shows are spectacular events that emotionalize the visitors. As the laser beams are very thin and become visible in the whole room, people get the feeling of standing inside the laser, being part of the show, being integrated in the scenario. This effect is very special with lasers: Conventional lighting fixtures work differently.

To provide outstanding lasershows of high standard, Laserworld has an own Laser Show Team and cooperates with very experienced partners that use Laserworld, tarm or RTI equipment for the shows.

Different types of laser shows explained

Learn more about the different laser show types and what the opportunities are:
different laser projection types

There are different types of laser shows:

1. Individual laser show (time coded):

- Conception of the show (storybook)
- Setting of the stage and scenes together with the customer
- Health and Safety consulting
- Respecting different media if requested, like video, fire, fog, pyro, and water effects
- Drawing and programming of the laser show and additional effects
- Set-up of the laser show equipment on site, or even building of whole stage if requested
- Implementation of the whole timecoded lasershow / multimedia show

2. Standardized preset laser show (time coded):

- General conception of the show and on site setup sketch
- Selection of an existing lasershow from a show pool, together with the customer
- Health and Safety consulting
- Set-up of the laser show equipment on site, or even building of whole stage if requested
- Implementation of the whole timecoded lasershow / multimedia show

3. Individual live laser performance (e.g. together with a live DJ Set or Live Music):

- General conception of the show and on site setup sketch
- Health and Safety consulting
- Set-up of the laser show equipment on site, or even building of whole stage if requested
- Live-Laser-Operation during the show

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
Contact us:
ch +41-71-6778080
en +44-161-8720272

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