glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
If you find a mistake or if you have suggestions for additional terms, please drop an E-Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What is Wavelength?

The physical term Wavelength determines the color of a laser source and is specified in the unit nm (nanometer). As you can see in the chart below, some colors are more visible than others.


laser color visibility

What are the different Wavelengths for laser colors?

Laserworld show laser lights come with many different laser sources and therefore many different laser colors:

Color, Laser Source
639 nm
635, 637, 638, 650, 658 nm
590 nm
577 nm
561 nm
532 nm
520 nm
514, 530 nm
480, 488 nm
460, 462 nm
450, 465, 470 nm
445 nm

red OPSL
red Diode
orange OPSL
yellow OPSL
lime OPSL
green DPSS
green Diode
green OPSL
cyan OPSL
blue OPSL
blue Diode
royal blue Diode

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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