The ILDA signal comes from a random DAC (e.g. FB3, Phoenix USB, etc.) and is feeded with a short ILDA cable to the sender. The sender transforms the signal to a digital network protiocoll and streams it to the network. The receiver gets the signal that was specified for it and transforms it back to the analog ILDA signal.
The advantage is, that the possible transmission distances of network signals is very long and network cables are easily available all over the world. ILDA cables are rather limited in their maximum possible length, so the physical limits are quickly reached at large scale productions. ILDA streaming is a good and stable option to easily extend the signal transmission distances. This method has been explicitly developed for show laser light applications, so it is superior to USB->LAN converters if it comes to laser applications.

The most common ILDA streaming hardware solution is the Laserworld ShowNET interface.
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