RTI PIKO RGB - Alignment-Free Laser Systems with RSL Technology | Laserworld Group

The RTI PIKO RGB 28 and RTI PIKO RGB 30 OPSL laser systems are probably the world's first alignment-free laser systems, due to advanced RSL laser module technology combined with a new developed optical section, that prevents misalignment of the color convergence. The color lines of the RTI PIKO do nor require any color convergence alignment as they do not misalign any more. The RSL modules are maintenance free and they have an extremely homogenous beam profile, with equal divergence on the x- and the y-axis. Thus the laser beam remains homogenously white even over longer projection distances. Find more here: https://www.laserworld.com/shop/rti-lasers/rti-piko-series or on https://www.raytechnologies.com or contact the Laserworld Group: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. #raytechnologies #rti #rtipiko #laserworldgroup #laser #alignmentfree #rslmodules #semiconductor

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