360° Video: PRG Highlight Show at Prolight+Sound 2018, PRG/LEA Stage | Laserworld
360° Video of the PRG Highlight show at Prolight+Sound 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany. A huge laser setup with 180 lasers was in place. The laser show was created and implemented by laserfabrik GmbH These laser systems were in use: 24 x RTI NEO SIX in a laser matrix = 144 Lasers 24 x RTI NEO ONE 12 x RTI NANO RGB 30 The RTI NEO SIX and RTI NEO ONE were fully controlled by DMX through a GrandMA2. The RTI NANO RGB 30 were controlled through Lasergraph DSP, which were triggered through GrandMA2 The PRG Highlight Show was a production of the Production Resource Group (PRG, PRG Germany). The Lighting Design was made by Jerry Appelt. #360video #360 #lasershow #laserfabrik #firethelaser #prg #productionresourcegroup #pls2018 #prghighlightshow #festhalle #messefrankfurt #laserworld #RTI #raytechnologies #jerryappelt
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