Night of Light 2020 - RTI laser display | Laserworld Group

RTI also joined in to the #nightoflight2020, when thousands of companies from the event industry made aware of the suffering of all companies of the industry, being the first to be shut down during Corona crisis, and will be the last ones allowed back in business. The #nightoflight was a common event all over Germany, Switzerland and otehr counrties in Europe to demonstrate how many companies are actually suffering from the crisis, to make aware of our event industry at all. This was the equipment: 20 X RTI NEO ONE 1 X RTI PIKO RGB 28 4 X LED Studio PAR Thanks to the whole RTI team for doing that beautiful display, and thanks to Hias for the great footage and video edit! #raytechnologies #laserworldgroup #laserworld #wemakeevents

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