07. Text and Single Line Fonts - Showeditor Laser Show Software Tutorial Video

This tutorial describes the use of text and especially the use of single line fonts in Showeditor. Even though nearly any TTF font can be used in Showeditor, it sometimes makes sense to use single line fonts (Stick Fonts) instead of the nicely shaped normal ones. This especially applies if the laser system is only equipped with basic scanners or if the number of characters that are to be displayed at the same time is pretty high. Several adjustments in the Options of Showeditor also help improving the quality of a text projection. The most efficient way of optimizing output quality of a laser projection is, however, decreasing the scan angle. This is usually done by increasing the distance between the laser and the projection surface by maintaining the size of the projection. Further details on working with text and fonts can be found in the user manual of Showeditor: https://www.showeditor.com/en/manual/6-figure-editor-main-window/6-2-graphics-features.html Find more details on Showeditor on the official Showeditor website: https://www.showeditor.com

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