Laserworld always specifies their show laser products with full angle divergence values. We do so as we know that only the whole beam is relevant - not parts of it.
The difference between Half Angle Divergence and Full Angle Divergence is:
Half Angle Divergence: Only respects the brightest inner part of the beam. It does not respect the blur around. In fact, the value given at "half angle" is half of the full angle value.
Full Angle Divergence: Specifies the beam including the blur around it. This is the standard specification, and Laserworld respects that.

However, some companies specify their products with Half Angle Divergence without mentioning it. We therefore kindly ask you to only compare similar values.

Please see the chart showing the differences between half and full angle:

divergence laserworld


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Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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