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Do you sell a white light star effect?

YES, please see one of our white light star effect lasers below - they can even do more different color shades. For professional applications, there are additional options for doing white light or multi color star effects projections without the use of scanning systems - and thus flicker-free. Please contact our Sales team for details.

Buy white light star effects laser systems

Please find a list of the white light star effects laser systems with flicker-free effects creation (due to no scanners) below. Click on a particular show laser light to display more information from our shop.

Laserworld EL-300RGB
Laserworld EL-300RGB

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand LaserworldDistributed Brand tarmdistributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent