The Live-Entertainment-Award (LEA) is a German show award, which is held one day before the opening day of prolight + sound exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2018, Scooter and Conchita were responsible for the musical accompaniment. They performed on the PRG stage of Messe Frankfurt with the help of show laser systems of the Laserworld Group and a great laser show programmed by our partner laserfabrik.
24 x RTI NEO SIX in a laser matrix with 144 laser outlets, 24 x RTI NEO ONE and 12 x RTI NANO RGB 30 show laser systems were installed on the PRG stage.
Check out the videos of the event:
Conchita at the LEA Awards 2018 on the PRG stage
Scooter at the LEA Awards 2018 on the PRG stage
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