Laser projection on Fogscreen

Laser is a great medium for creating projections of different kinds. To make the laser visible it is always necessary to have a surface that reflects the laser light and thus makes it visible for human eye. Many different types of screens are available: Some consisting of fabric, others of water. The Fogscreen® is a very special type of screen, as the surface is not solid: This screen consists of very light water spray, that has been vaporized and is shaped by two very strong air shields. This generates a nearly invisible surface that people can walk through.

3-Dimensional laser projections

3D projections are often demanded, as it is is a common mislead that lasers can create real 3D holographic projections. Both, laser and video can only creat 3D lookalike projections, but they always need a surface to project on. The Fogscreen® as nearly invisible, non-solid projection surface is perfectly suitable to generate such a 3D effect.


Walk-through screen

As the Fogscreen is not of solid material and the moisture created from the screen is neither visible nor recognizable, it can be placed at places, where normal screens couldn't be set up at all. It is possible to mount the fogscreen above entrances, so pleople are "forced" to walk through it. This possibility of projecting directly in the crowd gives a new opportunity for interaction and integration of the spectators to the laser show.

Advantages of laser light for Fogscreen® projections

To generate good visible video projections on a Fogscreen® the projector must always face the spectators (rear projection). With show laser light it is possible to project to the screen from any angle. This gives the great opportunity to address spectators form any direction.

See the Fogscreen in action:


Further information on Laser Screens


Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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