Salt Mine in Merkers, Germany 2012

2009 the adventure mine "Salt Mine Merkers" in Germany was equipped with a basic multi media show system by HB-Laser. In 2012 an upgrade to the latest multi media and laser technology took place: The Salt Mine Merkers decided to go for professional LightCube laser show systems as well as for the improvement of the PR-electronics sound system to digital sound control interfaces.

This technology was installed in addition to the already existing multi media show setup:

  • 1 x HB-Laser LightCube RGB 3.5W with salt resistant air conditioned housing.
  • 1 x HB-Laser LightCube RGB 7W with salt resistant air conditioned housing.
  • 1 x Pangolin extension QM 2000 network controller
  • extension mixer and digital control for PR-electronic sound-system

Turnkey installation including new show productions

Salt Mine in Merkers, Germany 2012 - 2
Salt Mine in Merkers, Germany 2012 - 3
Salt Mine in Merkers, Germany 2012 - 4
Salt Mine in Merkers, Germany 2012 - 5
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