Laser firework at Alton Towers Resort, England

Every November Alton Towers Resort theme park in Staffordshire, England celebrates the end of the festival season with a big firework. Since 2010, CTM Events helps them to combine the fireworks with a laser light show to an impressive event which is definitely worth more than just a look.

In 2013, four of RTIs Nano AT6 RYGCB 35R came into use. These show laser light systems Made in Germany offer a guaranteed power of 25.000mW up to a total power of 34.500mW. All devices are equipped OPSL Coherent Taipan Modules and ultra-fast CT-6210HP SE Scanners for extreme graphics performance. With these stats and their sealed, waterproof housing they are the perfect application for outdoor events and large scale projects but can be used for indoor projects as well.
Laserworld offers these show laser light projectors in their specials deals and as a rental unit.

Our thanks go to CMT Events for providing this video.
Laser Systems used:


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