Distribution brand:


Laserworld Showeditor
the brand

Laserworld's professional laser show software, the Laserworld Showcontroller, a sales brand of Laserworld (Switzerland) AG.

The Showcontroller is a fully comprehensive laser show and multimedia software. It consists of the program parts Live, RealTime, PicEdit, Tracer and SVG Converter.

Lasershow very simple: Whether a professional music synchronous timeline laser show is needed or the lasers live, for example to a DJ set, should be operated - Showcontroller includes all the necessary functions to create stunning laser shows.

Showcontroller Live: Showcontroller Live allows direct live control of lasers. There is already a large number of ready-made frames and animations included. These can also be extended very easily with your own graphics, logos or texts. Many effects can also be changed directly during live laser control, such as colors, speed, rotation, size, etc.. In addition, Showcontroller can be controlled remotely, for example, via MIDI controller or DMX, which brings enormous additional flexibility in the control with it.

In regular intervals come new updates for the Showcontroller. Thanks to a demo, you can convince yourself of the show controller software before you purchase it.

More information about the Showcontroller brand: www.Showcontroller.com


Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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