The Laserworld Group is a global group of companies that mainly work in the field of laser systems for show purposes. Learn more about the main companies of the Laserworld Group below:
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Laserworld AG
We are proud to offer a broad product range, which is strategically well positioned in the market. The entire development and production of our laser systems is done in our own production lines. Our products are of superior quality at an extremely high technical level. Furthermore, our laser projectors fulfill all European safety standards including CE, CCC and RoHS certificates.
One of our main strengths is the variability and flexibility to react to changes and customized demands at short notice. This gives us the possibility to offer a large product range, reaching from compact, easy to use lasers to professional laser equipment.

Laserworld has a large stock of laser projectors, which means that lead times can be kept short, even in larger quantities. Due to high sales figures, we are able to keep product prices low.

Our worldwide sales network guarantees localized and quick service and support.

Business activities

The Laserworld Group covers all areas of development, production, marketing and sales of laser systems, control software and accessories. Services like laser shows or show programming, but also installation of huge multimedia projects are in most cases conducted by our own staff or staff from Laserworld's subsidiaries. Some projects are also taken over by contracted partners, that only use products of Laserworld's portfolio for those projects.

Company history

The company was founded as Swiss incorporation at the end of 2007. In fact, the roots in the laser light industry reach far back many years since several of nowadays senior management in the Laserworld Group has already worked in the industry for up to 20 years. Same with the CEO and President of Laserworld, Mr. Martin Werner, who ran some show laser companies since 2003 and constantly reaching annual growth rates beyond 100% until the decision was made to form Laserworld AG as the overall holding under which all companies and activities should be concentrated.

By founding and acquiring subsidiaries worldwide as well as with stabilizing the global partner network, Laserworld could reach a large, comprehensive coverage in the laser light show industry.

The Laserworld headquarters are located in Switzerland next to the Lake Constance.

Here is a short overview of the company development:

  • Foundation of the company end of 2007 and operative start at 01.01.2008.
  • In the following years, a permanent extension of the product portfolio was carried out and an own production line for professional show laser systems was established./li>
  • Strong positioning of the company in the market through high sales volumes, new technologies and mass production lines, as well as an area wide sales- and supply-chain-network.
  • In 2010 Laserworld receives the exclusive worldwide distribution rights for Phoenix Showcontroller software.
  • Beginning of 2011: Integration of Ray Technologies GmbH with headquarters in Valley, Germany. Their core business in high end laser projectors with high powers, large events (Olympic games, expos, etc.), rentals and installations of large project management extends the portfolio of the Laserworld Group.
  • Mid of 2011: Integration of products of Tarm Laser Technologies tlt GmbH & Co. KG as well as of Pangolin Laser Systems Inc. in the product portfolio.
  • Since August 2011: Establishing of subsidiaries in key countries, like e.g. Laserworld Asia Co. Ltd and Laserworld UK Ltd.
  • Since beginning of 2012: Extension of the rental pool to over 100 laser systems, which are not only stocked at the Swiss headquarters, but also in Germany and China.
  • In 2015 tarm laser technologies tlt GmbH & Co.KG became a member of the Laserworld Group.
  • The Laserworld Academy was founded in 2017 with the aim of significantly expanding the existing range of laser safety seminars by adding further seminar and service offerings to the portfolio.
  • In 2019 the Laserworld Group starts to manufacture high end show lasers with a ShowNET laser mainboard as standard.
  • In 2020 Laserworld Group launches the completely new and innovative RTI Semiconductor Laser Module Technology and integrates it into many laser systems.

Facts and figures about the Laserworld AG

Laserworld AG is main member of the Laserworld Group. The Laserworld Group consists of manufacturing, distribution- and service companies in show laser and laser show business and has subsidiaries in China, Germany, Great Britain, India, Japan, Poland, Spain, Turkey.

Laserworld AG
legal form
Swiss incorporation
foundation 2007
headquarters Lengwil, Switzerland
CEO Martin Werner (CEO and President)
employees globally ca. 80
branch events technologies
products Laser systems, laser and multimedia shows
postal address
Kreuzlingerstr. 5
CH-8574 Lengwil, Switzerland
telephone +41 (0)71 6778080

The Laserworld Group distributes several laser and software brands:

Laserworld Logo Button
tarm Logo Button
RTI Logo Button
Showcontroller Logo Button
Showeditor Logo Button
ShowNETLogo Button
Laseranimation Logo Button
Pangolin Logo Button
Coherent Logo Button


Portrait Martin Werner
Chief Executive Officer

Founder and CEO of Laserworld AG and head of the board of Laserworld Group.
+41 71 677 80 80      Mail
Portrait Norbert Stangl
Chief Marketing Officer
Master of Business Administration (FH)

Responsible for international marketing, product and business development, software and controller, as well as IT. Work experience at Daimler AG and a consulting company, among others.
+41 71 677 80 82      Mail
Portrait Christian Clemens
Chief Operating Officer
Bachelor of Transportation and Organization (ICC)
& Bachelor of International Management (B.A.)

Responsible for operations, logistics and purchasing. Professional experience with several internationally active companies.
+41 71 677 80 95      Mail
Portrait Denis Phoenix
Sales Director Laserworld Group
Higher Diploma for Audio & Video Systems

Sales Director for the Laserworld Group and responsible for the Sales Team and key markets in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Expert in laser systems and installations. Work experience in the event industry.
+44 (0)161 872 0272      Mail
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Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent