Prolight + Sound 2018 - 360° walk-through, halls 5.0, 4.0, 4.1, 3.1, 3.0 | Laserworld

Walk through the halls of Prolight + Sound 2018 in 360° video. Halls 5.0, 4.0, 4.1, 3.1 and 3.0 are shown in the video to give you an overview of the exhibitors at Prolight + Sound 2018 Several partners helped us to make Prolight + Sound 2018 a very successful show for us: - Steinigke Showtechnik, for providing a DJ booth for our stand party - QSC UK/Ireland for providing a kick-ass punchy and high quality sound system - it was awesome! - eXpand Stretch Covers for their support behind the bar during our stand party - Johnathn Lewis, the DJ Tutor, for his outstanding support during the show and the stand party - Matt Cantor for his superb performance with helping with all the important things at our booth - Erik van Schijndel for providing his DJ gear and his super professional DJ performance - DJ Sigi di Collini for his catchy and high class DJ set during our stand party - it made the crowd go from 0 to 100 within seconds - DJ Steve Lagos for supporting Sigi di Collini and everyone who we missed mentioning here. Prolight + Sound 2018 was AWESOME! #pls2018 #laserworld #tarm #raytechnologies #RTI #steinigke #expand #expandcovers #qscukireland #qsc #qscspeakers


Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
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