A tribute to Dame Vera Lynn, laser projection onto the White Cliffs of Dover - Kent Media Group

On Monday 22nd June 2020 the team from Kent Media Group went along to Samphire Hoe to laser project Dame Vera Lynn's iconic lyrics onto the face of the White Cliffs Of Dover as a tribute following her sad passing just a few days before. Around the lyrics we also projected blue birds flying. The idea of the projection came from the KM Media Group (Kent Messenger / KMTV) as they had seen our previous laser projections onto Rochester Castle for the clap for our NHS and clap for our carers that was happening each Thursday during the coronavirus lockdown. They got in touch with us on the Thursday before the projection and after seeking the correct permissions we were ready to go on Monday evening! Thank you again to Samphire Hoe, KM Media Group (KMTV / Kent Messenger) and the team from Kent Media Group. It was an absolute honour to remember an amazing woman who's lyrics have meant so much in recent times. Further Information: 2x Laserworld DS-3000RGB were controlled via Laserworld's ShowController Software that was pre-programmed in a timeline view. The lasers and controlling laptop were fed from an inverter from our vehicle on site. The projection distance was as estimated 250m from the lasers to the face of the cliffs.


Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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