RTI NEO 12 visual web500With the release of the RTI NEO 12, the very successful RTI NEO 6 got a powerful sibling. RTI NEO 6 has been the first laser beam array bar with scanners in the world, and the demand for the same durability and build quality but with higher powers came up over the years. With the RTI NEO 12 this demand is satisfied: With 12W power this laser beam array bar with scanners is nearly eight times as powerful as the NEO 6. It has a color balance of 6 x 600mW red, 6 x 600mW green and 6 x 800mW blue, so the RTI NEO 12 has extremely good visibility and is even suitable for large scale festivals and big concerts. The excellent beam specifications maintain good visibility even from longer distances. It has the same professional DMX control features as the RTI NEO 6, so seamlessly integrates with existing NEO 6 and goes very well with any lighting or multimedia setups.

The good scanners in the RTI NEO 12 create crisp patterns and draw accurate corners, which is important for professional use.

More details on the RTI NEO 12: https://www.laserworld.com/en/rti-neo/rti-neo-12.html



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