Download: Showcontroller - Stand Alone CAPTURE Visualization Stage

Stand Alone CAPTURE Visualization Stage
Showcontroller Lasersteuer-Software
2022 - heute
Showcontroller - Stand Alone CAPTURE Visualization Stage
This stage has been designed to provide additional visualization options to Showcontroller and showcase some of the possibilities with visualizing laser content in Capture. This Demo stage handles 5 laser outputs, but of course more are possible in the Capture full version.

The stage has been designed by Elliot Baines from Spiralstagelighting (he is a master in Capture, see his work on

How to activate the Visualization:
- Load a show in Showcontroller RealTime
- Start-up the Capture Demo Stage in this download
- Select Capture as Visualizer in View -> Visualizer -> Capture
- make sure to enable VIS in the left toolbar (if it is active deactivate it and reactivate it once after you changed the visualizer settings).
- press play and the show is visualized on the Capture Demo Stage.

Here is a tutorial video on how to get Capture linked to Showcontroller (it's pretty easy):
You don't have to do the config side in Capture with this Demo Vis, as it's already been pre-set.


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